The WhisperPhone helps you teach more effectively and improve language development skills quicker.
This innovative product greatly accelerates learning when paired with strong student/educator connections. Learn more about how WhisperPhone works!
WhisperPhone Element
Ideal for learners and the tactilely sensitive who prefer to hold their WhisperPhone rather than wearing the Solo headset. Fits children grades K-4 and is dishwasher safe for a healthy learning environment.
WhisperPhone Duet
Ideal for a quiet classroom during paired reading or one-on-one learner/educator teaching activities. Includes two handsets and a voice tube expandable up to 6 feet for direct auditory feedback.
WhisperPhone Select
Manage a speech activity with up to six students, or reconfigure the Select components into three pairs. Turn the dial to receive immediate feedback on the pronunciation of a learner through this easy-to-use amplification tool.
How WhisperPhone Works
Which WhisperPhone is right for your learning scenario? Watch the video to learn the intended application for each of our auditory feedback tool designs.
Featured Products
Applications for Parents, Teachers and SLPs
The WhisperPhone helps teachers, parents, and SLPs accelerate learning in many different scenarios. This auditory feedback tool can help you give learners immediate feedback on their speaking volume, pitch, and pronunciation. Best of all, it is fun for all ages!
Educational Activities
Some of the learning activities accelerated by WhisperPhone are reading, spelling, editing, writing, language learning, music, and theater. How does raising phonemic awareness benefit each?
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Learning Disabilities
Speech-language pathologists and audiologists have researched and found the benefits. WhisperPhone enhances therapy efforts.
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Don’t Just Take Our Word
The benefits of WhisperPhone’s many teaching methods are backed by research. Proven by experts in language development, WhisperPhone is effective at enhancing readers’ learning.
Read the Research
I just received my WhisperPhones yesterday and gave them to my class to use for the first time today. They loved them! I teach a group of middle schoolers a phonics-based program, and, for the first time, they could actually hear the differences they were making between the vowel sounds! Thank you SO much!
Trish M.
Middle School Remedial Reading Teacher
I love the WhisperPhones. The kids really like using them as well. It’s creating quite a buzz here at Wildomar. I think you might be getting a few more customers in the coming months. I also want to thank you for the very informative book on the science behind the WhisperPhone. It is dramatically changing how I teach and ultimately how well my students learn. Frankly, I think every elementary class ought to be using WhisperPhones!
Roddy St Yves
Wildomar Elementary School
The WhisperPhone would be a great tool for improving self-monitoring and self-correction in a structured therapeutic environment for some older adults with aphasia. Use of the WhisperPhone may increase the ability to focus on one’s verbal output. Older adults with aphasia may improve their ability to detect speech errors and allow for quicker speech repair and thus reduce dependency on prompts from others. The WhisperPhone may not be appropriate for people with hearing aids. My patient with a mild expressive aphasia found the WhisperPhone very useful.
H Sheen Chiou, Ph.D.
My experience with the WhisperPhone has been outstanding! It has greatly benefited my students during Independent Reading activities. I have several students who are auditory learners and thus need to hear the information to make it meaningful. Your product allows them to read aloud without disrupting other students. This enables each student in my class to have a pleasant & productive reading experience each day. THANK YOU!
Nicole Brown
Pace Secondary School
Thank you so much for your extremely prompt service. I had the whisper phone in my classroom in less than 48 hours after ordering online. It is working terrific with my fourth-grade student. I am also using a smaller one with a kindergarten student. They work well to control excess talking - makes the student more aware of their voice level and frequency of outbursts. Thanks!
Pat Weigand special ed teacher
Wood County WV
This is a wonderful learning tool! I went into the store searching for something to help my son hear sounds better to assist him in being a successful reader. The WhisperPhone works great. He is in a reading class with 3 other children, so I purchased additional WhisperPhones for the school to use. All the children having a WhisperPhone will make all of them more successful!
Parent, North Carolina
I know my little boy with developmental apraxia loves using the whisper phone. He has it at home. He was very animated in talking about using it and has had it for a few weeks. If anything, it is getting him more animated and engaging in conversation.
Lily Rothman
I use the Whisperphone with great success in my Discovery Multiplication™ workshops, during the skip-counting activities. My students find that it helps them stay focused and makes it easier to memorize their math facts. What a great tool for fact retention! It’s simple, yet very effective.
Susan Jarema
Googol Learning
They’re Great!! I just used the WhisperPhone for the first time, yesterday, with one of my struggling students. This student is using the Wilson Reading System. The change was remarkable! On his first attempt to read a word (without WhisperPhone), he read the three syllables and then incorrectly read the word he added sounds because he was only using a visual cue). After putting on the WhisperPhone, he read the three syllables and then read the word correctly because he not only had the visual cue, but now had an auditory cue.
Elaine Idenden
Special education teacher. Belleville, NJ
Once in a while, a product comes along that changes everything.
Hugh M.
President, Canadian Education Company
Because I have had extensive training in working with adults who have learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorders, I can see that this product has terrific potential for that audience.
Janie C.
We received the Whisperphones a few days ago and LOVE them. We have older children adopted from China and they are a big help in learning to pronounce English words.
Sandra Beecher
Okinawa, Japan
The children are so excited about working on letter sounds, practicing reading, and counting when I get out WhisperPhones!
Wanda J.
THANK YOU, I was amazed at your service!!!! Wow, my husband and I thought this was a thing of the past. You will go far.
Kay C.
WhisperPhones help focus attention on the task of independent reading. I also think the flexible design to offer right or left ear use is great.
Karen L.
Recently, a fifth-grade teacher let me borrow a WhisperPhone to use in my speech therapy room. My students loved talking in it!
Jan L.
WhisperPhones are cool and keep my strugglers reading just a little longer…which is key! My intervention students all feel like we are now rock stars with our WhisperPhones. Thank you for sending me an adult-size WhisperPhone. It’s great for demonstration purposes and is motivating for the students.
Joyce F.
I bought a couple of WhisperPhones at the ASHA convention and everyone wants more. How do I order more?
Jean N.
I found your product because Dr. Rasinski mentions whisper phones in his book, ‘The Fluent Reader
Janean G.
Your product looks incredible!!
Robyn B.
Thank you very much for WhisperPhone. My students are enjoying it!
Marla W.
My second-grade students enjoy using them! Some of my students that need to talk themselves through everything that do are using them and I’m happier because they can whisper to themselves!! They like, as do I, having them as a hands-free set. The kids think they look like rock stars they see on stage!
Josy L.
Grade 2 Teacher
I have really enjoyed your WhisperPhone. I am in the process of ordering more for next year.
Rhonda F.
We were in Baumholder Germany last school year teaching on a military base and one of our teachers made an order to your company. Now that we are teaching in Japan, my wife needed some for her K classroom. Good products.
Scott F.
International Teacher
WhisperPhone is perfect for self-monitoring or self-correction...
2004 ASHA Conference Attendee