About Us, Testimonials, and WhisperPhone Solo Videos

 The WhisperPhone product line started in a classroom during a parent-teacher conference.  Steve Swain met with his son Austin's first grade teacher and learned that she was using a "phone" to help students sound out words during a vocabulary test.  When Steve asked his son what he thought of his "phone" in class he said, "I like it, but I have to hold it."  This inspired the build of the first, and still only, hands-free WhisperPhone SOLO.  All WhisperPhone models that followed the WhisperPhone SOLO launch were inspired by and created over time from conversations with thousands of teachers nationwide.  This innovative product line greatly accelerates learning when paired with strong student/educator connections. Learn more about how WhisperPhone works!  


Want to know what the experts say about WhisperPhone? Take a look at the research to learn more.




We care about creating a product that children and adults alike love to use. See what some of our customers have to say about the effectiveness and ease of the WhisperPhone.

Speech-Language Pathologists & Teachers


“I work in Early Childhood Special Ed with children ages 3-5 years. I have found the Duet to be a great therapy tool when working with my young students. I like that my model is amplified for them, as many are not to the point where they are self-monitoring. It is very helpful for making our speech targets more salient over the background noise of the classroom. My young students really enjoy the ‘phone.’ Many of them are more willing to imitate sounds and words when I use the Duet. With my pre-verbal students, I have observed increases in babbling, jargon and sound play. One of my most exciting experiences using the Duet occurred with a student who has selective mutism, which is an anxiety disorder. This child would talk at home but not at school. We had been successful in increasing non-verbal communication in the classroom and were able to elicit single words that were whispered. During one of our language activities I used the Duet with him, and he actually used short sentences with me in the middle of the classroom. It seemed to me that his communication pressure was reduced just by knowing that no one else could hear him.”

– Deanine Mann, M.S., CCC-SLP

Parents & Students


“My daughter's voice unintentionally projects very loudly, and I often ask her to use her soft voice. She loves to "read out loud with expression" and play with dolls, but the rest of the family can't concentrate on their own projects with the volume level. This product has been wonderful! She says she feels like a rockstar with a headset on, and she can read aloud and play at a reasonable level, all while hearing herself loud and clearly. The first day she had it on while doing schoolwork and started to speak at her normal very loud level. She abruptly stopped and said, "Oww!" with a grin and continued her question to me at a nice soft level. Our whole family loves the whisperphone! My daughter loves her gadget and we love the quiet. Homeschooling is easier on everyone, and even camping is happier because now others can actually sleep even if she wants to read awhile.”

- Rochelle, parent, Online Review




For questions or comments, feel free to contact us at:

Phone: 763-537-7029 (Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time)

Email: service@whisperphone.com 


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